CanWest Games is one of the biggest fitness competitions in North America. With multiple divisions and a qualifying process to be able to compete at the Main Event, it is a highly sought after competition and one that caters to competitive athletes in western Canada. Our team of 3 this year is comprised of Suze, Jennica and Maddie. Each with a unique story and reason why, these gals are our Superheros in Training!

The competition is July 26-28 in Coquitlam BC, at the Percy Perry Stadium. It is a great outdoor venue with lots of space for the 900+ athletes to showcase their fitness and strength. The Vendor Village is second to none with lots of great products and swag to enjoy too!


So how did these three ladies end up heading to BC to compete in Crossfit together? Great question! Here’s some background info and the story!

Suze began hockey at age 10 and has played competitively through the minor leagues and on into post secondary, including 4 years with the RDC Queens. After retiring from hockey, she found herself unsatisfied and unmotivated at the gym. Having no ‘real goal’ to work towards or end purpose was really difficult. At the suggestion of a few friends, she tried Crossfit and now has been regularly training to compete again for the last 7 months.

Jennica grew up with no real background in sports, though did play a little fun hockey for a few years, as well as recreational gymnastics. Growing up with exercise induced asthma lent itself well to ‘being allergic’ to exercise and so she didn’t ever push hard to overcome this. After having 2 kids and wanting to take some time for herself, she joined Red Sea Crossfit (Ignite Fitness at the time) at the suggestion of a friend 3 years ago and has never looked back. Having an outlet for her competitive nature and seeing herself transform into a ‘strong mama’ has been so exciting. She says she never knew how strong she could be, or that it would be possible to be in the best shape of her life after children.

Maddie has been competitive in hockey for over 10 years and fast pitch ball for 8. She began Crossfit at age 17 and has dreamed of competing in Crossfit to test her abilities and keep improving. She loves to Crossfit because of the challenges it presents and  how it pushes her limits and changes what she thought was possible for herself.


Suze came to Red Sea Crossfit looking to train with purpose and focus again. Having done her first Crossfit competition in April, she has felt that same adrenaline to push harder and the drive to succeed. She and her partner (Coach Tom) placed 3rd in a stacked field of athletes.

Jennica wants to continue competing in Crossfit and to see what her body is capable of. Asthma and all.

Maddie is looking forward to the test of her first competition and an awesome experience at CanWest.


While the overarching goal is to go and have a great time, each of the athletes has her own specific goal for this competition. Suze, ever the athlete and coach (she also coaches the Queens hockey team) wants to take in the experience, learn about herself and from the other athletes.  Look out people. She will be a force to be reckoned with! Jennica is wanting to experience another higher level competition and find weaknesses to keep working on, as well as watch the individual competitors. They are so inspiring! Maddie is excited to be part of this exciting opportunity and to see where she stacks up in competition and give it her all.


Just for fun, I had each of the team members tell me a favourite movement. Maddie says Box Jumps! Keep moving and don’t stop! Jennica pipes up with “Are lifts separate from movements?” Her favourite lift is the Clean and Jerk, and favourite movement are lunges. Suze is all about that Clean and Jerk.


When asked what they would say to someone new to Crossfit or thinking of joining, these were their responses.

“I would probably talk about what a great environment Red Sea Crossfit has been for me. How it’s made me feel like I am a part of something again, I not only gained my strength and self esteem back but I have also gained a whole new community that helps each other be the best version of themselves. Everyone has been so positive and welcoming since day 1, I love the fact that I can come to the gym excited to see everyone every time I walk into the door. I would also mention that Crossfit is for EVERYONE. No matter your Fitness Level, Size, Gender, or Disability.” ~ Suze

“Be brave enough to try! It’ll be uncomfortable, but learning and growing is almost always uncomfortable. Soon you’ll look back and be amazed at how far you’ve come.” ~ Jennica

“When you think about quitting, remember why you started and how far you have come. Things don’t ever get easier, you just become stronger over time” ~ Maddie


If you are interested in following the girls on their CanWest Games journey, you can follow them on their Instagram! They’d love to have you follow along as they finish preparations for the competition.

@zeus19 ~ Suze

@mamaslifting ~ Jennica

@moskowyfit ~ Maddie

They’ll be posting parts of their CanWest prep as well as updates from the competition!